Why Use Vent Lock- Case Study
Case Study
Why Use Dixon Vent-Lock Safety Cam & Groove?
End-User Feedback
  • Both safety and maintenance personnel at well service companies have requested cam & groove fittings that relieve remaining low pressure when lever arms are opened (1”, 1½”, and 2” sizes). Employees experience acid and chemical injuries when disconnecting hose assemblies. 
  • End-users want to efficiently dismantle their fluid lines at their hydraulic fracturing worksites. Safety and performance are critical to long-term success with their customers.

Multiple Connections Transferring Acid
An example of multiple connections when transferring HCL and HF acid.


Failed Fluid End
A failed FE with attached 5-port suction manifold.
  • Vent-Lock™ couplings permit the release of static pressure when disconnecting hose assemblies.
  • The venting system in Vent-Lock™ protects operators from being sprayed with hazardous or non-hazardous fluids and/or solids.
  • Prices of Vent-Lock™ couplings are higher than traditional cam & groove couplings. However, Vent-Lock™ has a lower cost!
  • Vent-Lock™ couplings DO NOT interchange with common cam & groove couplings.

Dixon Solution
  • Eliminate fluids from spraying operators when disconnecting hose assemblies. Develop safe coupling system that’s as easy to use as common cam & groove. Should not be interchangeable.
  • Designed coupling system with orange handles to distinguish from standard cam & groove couplings.
